Things to Know

Water that comes out of an alkaline water ionizers is known as ionized or alkaline water. Many people also call it purple water. This water being micro clustered in nature helps in neutralizing human body’s free radicals.

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment

The water extracted from a water ph balancing equipment has excellent antioxidant property coupled with soaring level of oxygen. That is the reason it helps the immune system and provides tremendous energy to balance body’s ph level.
The quality of water consumed by us has great impact on absorbing nutrients, circulation of blood and digestion of our body. One such condition is when we face dehydration which is normally due to lack of consumption of drinking and/or poor quality of the water consumed.

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment
Ionized Water

The reason of water ionizers getting famous for their output and effects on body is because it has proven to eliminate harmful chemicals such as chlorine and other contaminants which cause water to affect us negatively. Thus today, alkaline water is considered far better than normal tap water and in most cases bottled water as well.

Targeting the Middle-East Markets

For the last few days I have been reading lots of articles with reference to the developments in middle -eastern countries. Few of these countries like UAE, Qatar and Egypt have adopted advanced technologies and there has been a lot of construction that took place in this region recently.  This made me realize that an water ionizer machines can be introduced in this market.

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment
Middle East Region
Repeating the same old procedure and searching for trade directories as well commerce and industry directories of this region, I came across a company’s profile which is looking to introduce a water ph balancing system in its product line. I did not waste any time before contacting the purchase manager of this organization in Qatar and was surprised to know about the magnitude of expansion being planned for future. This company is already into the business of water filters but because of the awareness of water ionizers in this country off late, the company had identified potential of selling these products and luckily for me, it is in process of searching the suppliers.

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment
 The person asked me to send him all the details and certifications of our company because of their formal procedure to evaluate all the proposals. Not to forget, the contact person was very kind in verifying his email address by sending a test mail. Since they have a lot of proposals to evaluate, it will probably take a couple of weeks for them to get back with a response. With low cost and superior performance of our products, we definitely have an edge over others in the evaluation process to follow.


Days to Come..!

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment
pH Chart
Last time I shared an experience regarding an ongoing market search and getting into conversation with one of the potential buyers who looked for sole distributorship of our water ph balancing equipment. I was surprised to know that he is just an online marketer. Normally we look for buyers or rather companies look for buyers who have a track record. If I consider the buyer I am in touch with, he is not a large organization and may not have an “official” track record. This is due to the fact that online marketers sell and advertise everything online.


Are You Sure About Your Drinking Water's Purity?

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment
Contaminated Water
It is a fact that around 75% of our body is made up of water and therefore its importance for proper functionality cannot be denied. People around the world and especially in USA and European market refuse to accept the purity of drinking and thus avoid consuming it. Without any doubts, water’s purity is a major concern for health these days.

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipmentWater purity is not just important for consumption purposes but nowadays people tend to use healthy and clear water for cooking. Alkaline water filters which produces alkaline/ionized water serves the purpose in best possible ways. It is for sure that water quality can only be determined through testing. But it cannot be a usual practice considering its daily use. Apart from this, water containing bad odor is also a factor ignored during water purity tests. Therefore contamination may not be diagnosed exactly.


A Worthy Experience!

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment
A thought
I have been researching on the trends of various markets regarding adaptability of water filtration machine. I found that the European side still has a lot of room for penetration. Although almost all the largest water ph balancing equipment brands are available in these markets, but fact is that they cost too high for an average household to afford.  

This brings a simple concept of economics into play. There exists a need for low cost water ionizers. Although USA and Taiwanese brands are selling their products in large volumes, I was pretty amazed to learn that a Chinese water treatment devices would be very handy in penetration. Being part of one such prestigious organization which manufactures state of the art water ionizers and water filtration devices, it was my task to identify potential markets to promote my product.

Warranty – An Important Factor For Ionizers ?

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment
Raja L320 (Under Sink)
In my last blog, I tried to mention a few key factors that must be kept in mind when purchasing an alkaline water ionizers. This time I would like to extend with a couple of more things.
Another important issue faced by customers who purchase a rather expensive machine is the warranty. Although there are brands and a couple of water ionizer manufacturer who are offering lifetime warranties but there prices are so high that people are not willing to purchase just because of the warranty. It is to bring amongst the notice of all readers that warranties do matter but YES we can also opt for a limited period of warranty. The reason behind is very simple. An ionizer settles and produces the same quality of water regardless of its age and therefore a warranty doesn't really sets off the cost charged for these brands.
Water Purification Equipment
Ionizers | Purifiers | Filters