Warranty – An Important Factor For Ionizers ?

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment
Raja L320 (Under Sink)
In my last blog, I tried to mention a few key factors that must be kept in mind when purchasing an alkaline water ionizers. This time I would like to extend with a couple of more things.
Another important issue faced by customers who purchase a rather expensive machine is the warranty. Although there are brands and a couple of water ionizer manufacturer who are offering lifetime warranties but there prices are so high that people are not willing to purchase just because of the warranty. It is to bring amongst the notice of all readers that warranties do matter but YES we can also opt for a limited period of warranty. The reason behind is very simple. An ionizer settles and produces the same quality of water regardless of its age and therefore a warranty doesn't really sets off the cost charged for these brands.

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment
Kitchen Top Ionizer
However, it must also be kept in mind that warranties issues are for the technical fault and are other than abusive usage or misuse of the machine. Hence water ionizer cannot be selected or rejected as off my opinion. This must be considered as a secondary factor. One of the biggest brands of China Raja Electric Appliances, a 13 year old alkaline water ionization system provides warranty for 5 years on technical grounds. Whereas the plates are under warranty for 3 years.


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