Days to Come..!

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment
pH Chart
Last time I shared an experience regarding an ongoing market search and getting into conversation with one of the potential buyers who looked for sole distributorship of our water ph balancing equipment. I was surprised to know that he is just an online marketer. Normally we look for buyers or rather companies look for buyers who have a track record. If I consider the buyer I am in touch with, he is not a large organization and may not have an “official” track record. This is due to the fact that online marketers sell and advertise everything online.

After talking and knowing each other over Skype (yet another tool for enhancing formal communication), we came up to the point where he asked me to send him my product sample so he can evaluate if our water treatment devices are worth putting an effort.

Alkaline Water ionizer, water filters, Water ionizer, water purification system, water purifiers, water treatment equipment

However, due to huge number of cyber crimes and internet frauds, one feels a bit insecure in sending any confidential information via internet. Sending a physical sample might not have an issue, but communication over internet (includes emails as well as live chats) is yet to gain confidence of both buyers and sellers. At the moment this is the only issue we are facing in proceeding with the transaction. Although He is ready to transfer cash over PayPal account, but when it comes to track record, he might not be able to clear the evaluation. Because it is a matter of assigning an entire territory and off course submitting the rights to further sell in the region till the end of contact. Let’s see how it goes and what’s next!


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Water Purification Equipment
Ionizers | Purifiers | Filters